The secrets of men revealed

The secrets of men revealed

Men are always accused of telling lies by their girlfriends or wives. I've had a similar experience in the past so I
know that this often leads to a lover's quarrel or, not to sound too melodramatic, even in the death of one or both partners.

Men have a reputation of being cheaters, but evidence suggests not all of us are unfaithful to our partners. Most of us take relationships seriously—by making sure we avoid temptations. There are secrets about men that women should know in order to preserve their relationships and to have a shot at a better future together.

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Men Hate It When Partners Make False Accusations

How many times have you been wrongly accused of doing something you didn't do? In an honest way, I will say I have been—twice, thrice, many times. It feels really bad when people put the blame on you even if you've not done anything wrong. Do not point an accusing finger at your partner simply because your friends or relatives told you something bad about him. Get proof! Never threaten to end your relationship with him, or else it will be doomed. The best way is to ask for the truth from your partner—in a nice way—and if he answers while looking at you straight in the eye, that means he is sincere. Trust him wholeheartedly.

Do Not Initiate a Marriage Proposal

Never ask men the question: "When are you going to marry me?" or “Will you marry me next year? In two years? In three years?” Guys often like to be the one to pursue or take the lead. Men do not want to be forced to lift and carry the world. We find it really abominable when we are “strongly persuaded” by someone to do something we don't want to do. Men often know when the right time to propose a marriage is. When you think we're taking too long, it's really just that we're preparing for that important something we don't want to regret in the end. Men consider proposing for marriage to the girls we love as one of the most important things in life.

Tease Your Partner in a Sexy Way

Men love being teased by their partners especially in the sexiest way. We get turned on when we see our girls wear a pair of skimpy shorts, sleeveless shirt or a fitted shirt. Most men turn their heads when they see women showing their cleavages—yes, this is normal. We admit that we love to stare at sexy women.

I remember when I was roaming around the mall, a girl slapped her boyfriend after catching him staring at a sexy girl. This just means guys appreciate girls who dress up nicely and sexily. To keep your partner from developing this bad habit, you should do something about yourself, especially when it comes to dressing up. The sexier and hotter you look, that more you become your guy's main focus.

Here are more tips: If you are out together at a diner or a bar, don’t forget to order his favorite liquor or wine. Appreciate his outfit by saying “Nice shirt! Where did you buy it?” When you're both already tipsy, tease him by sliding your palm down on his chest. Also, try to accidentally drop something and insist that you pick it up yourself. Then slowly bend while showing your bra or cleavage and act like you don't notice him staring at you. This will make your partner “hungry” for you.

Men Fantasize About Sex and Consider It Important

Men fantasize about sex nearly three times a day! This is more common with younger men. We find sex to be the most satisfying act between two committed people. Men like to initiate sex. We do the first move, the second move, and even the third move. If a girl refuses, we often don’t pursue anymore and simply go to the comfort room. There, we take a cold shower and make ourselves “feel at ease.” Sex makes men feel closer to their partners. Some of my friends would express their sentiments on being unable to get what they want from their partners. As a result, some of them would cheat with other women, while others would head out to spas for therapeutic massage from female therapists. To avoid this, a couple should work on meeting each other's  “needs.”

These pointers are based on stories of my male friends, as well as my personal experiences. One of even said: “Don't tell the girls! These are secrets that all men should keep.” For me, it is better not to hide things from your partner in order to have a better relationship. Women will benefit from these secrets being revealed. This will guide them to do the right thing. Always keep in mind this quote from Mal Pancoast: “Telling someone the truth is a loving act.”

Know more about the secrets of men in the short film titled “Alibi,” which I wrote and directed. Luckily, the film won 1st Runner-up Most Popular Film at the 2012 International Film Festival Manhattan in New York City and got several screenings at the local and international film festivals. Here is the link of my eighteen-minute short film: 

If you want to know me more. Please follow:

 My Twitter, Youtube and IG:Perry Escaño


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